Il Social Football Summit e la AS Roma Business Club insieme per uno Snack Summit

Nuovo evento allo Stadio Olimpico dopo il Social Football Summit

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Nuovo evento allo Stadio Olimpico. Social Football Summit in collaborazione con AS Roma Business Club organizzerà uno Snack Summit in occasione dell’AS Roma Business Summit 2024, evento dedicato al networking di aziende e professionisti, che si terrà il prossimo 28 febbraio allo Stadio Olimpico.

A partire dalle 15,00 fino alle 16,30, ci saranno tre momenti di confronto con alcuni tra i più autorevoli manager e speaker, sui temi della diversity & inclusion, della leadership, dell’empowerment e del mental coaching.

Prosegue così il percorso di sviluppo del Social Football Summit, impegnato nella creazione di occasioni di networking e knowledge sharing con gli stakeholders della football industry.

The Social Football Summit and the AS Roma Business Club together for a Snack Summit

The Social Football Summit at the AS Roma Business Summit 2024

Social Football Summit in collaboration with AS Roma Business Club will organise a Snack Summit on the occasion of the AS Roma Business Summit 2024, an event dedicated to the networking of companies and professionals, to be held on 28 February at the Stadio Olimpico.

Starting from 3.00 p.m. until 4.30 p.m., there will be three moments of discussion with some of the most authoritative managers and speakers, on the topics of diversity & inclusion, leadership, empowerment and mental coaching.

Thus continues the development path of the Social Football Summit, committed to the creation of networking and knowledge sharing opportunities with football industry stakeholders.

Anthony Cervoni
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